Here are the Holiday hours at Lee's Comics. All other days are as normal.
Friday December 24, Christmas Eve: Noon-5 Saturday December 25, Christmas: Closed Friday December 31, New Years Eve: Noon-5 Saturday December 1, New Years Day: Noon-5
Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 by George Perez. Perhaps the most imitated comic book cover of all time, but it, in turn had its antecedents.
Many years ago I kept a collection of comics on my store wall that featured the theme shown here. I've now re-created that collection, and it is available for viewing on my Facebook page. There are now over 50 covers posted there, so make sure to check it out. All friend requests will be fulfilled.
X-Men #136 by John Byrne and Terry Austin pre-dated Crisis #7 by four years.
Brave and Bold #84 by Neal Adams, a full decade before the X-Men cover, and clearly a big influence.
Batman #156 by Shelly Moldoff, a decade before Neal's Brave and Bold cover. Perhaps the first fallen super-hero cover of it's kind.